Edits, One-Shots, and Convention time…

I’ve been happy to see the feedback on the interviews with James Downe and Peter G. Reynolds. They’ve put out some phenomenal works and I’m looking forward to more from them. There are others I’d like to interview as well, both in and out of the Toronto area.

A Pale Grey Update

First and foremost, I can announce that structural edits are officially done on Pale Grey Dot! My editor signed off on ’em, so we are good to go. This means there won’t be any significant changes going forward. The plot, characters, and setting are as done as they’re going to get.

Up next is the copyedit phase. This is a joint venture between me and Ravenstone, and is basically to deal with spelling mistakes, formatting weirdness, or anything that doesn’t jive with the Chicago Manual of Style or Canadian spelling. Honestly? Copyedits are the dullest part of the process, but nobody wants a work with typos in it.

We’re also in the initial stages of planning promotional material. These are things you can send to bookstores or hand out at conventions. What exactly are they going to entail? Well you’ll have to wait and see!

I’ll update when I have more to share.

The Toronto Science Fiction & Fantasy One-Shot

I’ll be participating in our annual One-Shot on August 13th!

What’s that, you ask? Every year, the Toronto SFF group gets together and writes an entire anthology in a single day. Starting when your fingers touch the keyboard and ending when you click the Submit button, no more than 24 hours may have pssed.

The theme for this year’s anthology: HERETIC

Needless to say, I suspect our group is quite well versed in the subject matter.

Convention Intention

Along with fellow Toronto-bound writers, year I’ll be attending this year’s AugerCon on August 26th here in Toronto, and CanCon in Ottawa on the weekend of October 14th. I actually haven’t been to these before so I’m looking forward to it.

That’s all for this week. See everyone next time!