The Pale Grey Countdown: Two Weeks

Question: When is the launch party?

Answer: Sunday May 5th, 3 PM, at Bakka-Phoenix. You can sign up on Facebook,, or just walk on in.

Will there be books at the launch party?

Yes! There will be books available for purchase, but to guarantee you’ll get one, safe option is to pre-order from Bakka-Phoenix. This is your opportunity to grab the book prior to the world launch date.

Will there be refreshments?

We’ll have drinks (pop, water) and snacks (cookies, veggies). For those interested, we can even hit a bar afterwards.

Who’s hosting?

Why, that would be the enigmatic wonder boy himself: Peter G. Reynolds!

What if I want to buy the book after that?

The worldwide sale date is May 15th. That’s when it becomes available from other bookstores. Check out the Purchase Page for details.

Will there be an eBook version?

eBooks should be available for pre-order within a few days, and available to the public on the worldwide sale date.

What’s the best way to support Pale Grey Dot?

Reviews always help! Amazon allows you to do so even if you purchased from elsewhere. Goodreads is also a great assist.

If you have any other questions, feel free to send them!